Defending Criminal Cases
Benjamin Gray understands that the job of a criminal defense attorney is to make sure that no client's freedom is taken away without complete respect for that client's rights, including and especially the right to a fair trial, in which guilt is actually proven beyond a reasonable doubt. In every criminal case, Ben strives to see to it that no client gives up any of those rights without getting something in return, and to help them intelligently navigate the myriad of consequences that come with criminal charges in order to get the best possible outcomes for every case.
Aggressive Criminal Defense
As a criminal lawyer, Ben is committed to seeking fairness and justice. With many years and trials worth of experience, Ben knows that there is a big difference between a lawyer simply representing a client and a lawyer actually defending a client. Defending someone charged with a crime requires demands that a lawyer be assertive and proactive throughout the process. Ben has developed a reputation for being tough and aggressive, yet fair and honest in dealing with prosecutors while defending clients charged with a crime.
Upholding Constitutional Rights
Ben believes that in order to preserve its integrity, The Consitution must be enforced to protect all citizens equally, and that its protections should not in any way be lessened as they apply to those who have committed a crime.
Benjamin Gray has vast experience in fighting against deficient search warrants and unjustified seizures, arrests and warrantless searches by police that have violated The Fourth Amendment.
Ben is thorough and effective with legal research, which means he'll be able to expertly identify and argue any Constitutional rights issues or technical legal issues that may win or lose your case.
Aggressive Criminal Defense
As a criminal lawyer, Ben is committed to seeking fairness and justice. With many years and trials worth of experience, Ben knows that there is a big difference between a lawyer simply representing a client and a lawyer actually defending a client. Defending someone charged with a crime requires demands that a lawyer be assertive and proactive throughout the process. Ben has developed a reputation for being tough and aggressive, yet fair and honest in dealing with prosecutors while defending clients charged with a crime.
Upholding Constitutional Rights
Ben believes that in order to preserve its integrity, The Consitution must be enforced to protect all citizens equally, and that its protections should not in any way be lessened as they apply to those who have committed a crime.
Benjamin Gray has vast experience in fighting against deficient search warrants and unjustified seizures, arrests and warrantless searches by police that have violated The Fourth Amendment.
Ben is thorough and effective with legal research, which means he'll be able to expertly identify and argue any Constitutional rights issues or technical legal issues that may win or lose your case.
Handling all Types of Criminal Cases
Driving While Intoxicated ✥ Felonies ⚮ Misdemeanors ✥ Drug Possession ✥ Drug Distribution ✥ Assaults ✥Murder ✥ Homicide ✥ Sex Offenses ✥ Burglary ✥ Robbery ✥ Stealing ✥ Property Crimes ✥Alcohol Possession (MIP) ✥ Computer Crimes ✥ Traffic Tickets
If you or someone close to you is charged with any type of criminal offense, whether local or federal, please call Ben Gray to schedule a free appointment and consultation to find out how he can help.
Benjamin J. Gray, Attorney at Law, 107 South Elson Street, P.O. Box 717, Kirksville MO 63501